





Whether through climate change, habitat destruction, overfishing, illegal poaching or all of the above, it seems like we’re doing our best to destroy the natural beauty of our planet, and that of course, includes our coasts, our oceans, and everything that lives in or on them.

似乎某些人并不热衷于承认我们做错了什么。总统特朗普总统刚刚把一个负责EPA的人称为Myron Ebell。EPA代表环境保护署。迈伦·埃贝尔(Myron Ebell)是气候变化怀疑论者。





Liz Clark @captainlizclark

利兹·克拉克(Liz Clark)于2006年离开圣塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara),一艘40英尺的帆船。在探索墨西哥和中美洲之后,她向加拉帕戈斯群岛推出,然后穿越南太平洋到达波利尼西亚,她和她在那里从那以后。如今,93k‘格兰族人遵循她的热带,网格利用,激进主义,教育活动和良好氛围的普遍传播。



Kohl Christensen @DeepWatersurf

科尔的可能是冲浪/世界上最不自恋的Insty帐户之一,几乎没有他的照片。在许多方面,这是丽塔·奥拉(Rita Ora)的Insty的对立面,这是她的照片,看上去很热。好吧,几乎……更多。

It’s pretty much just pics of surfing, with little to reveal that he’s been off-grid long before it was on trend, that he grows organic veg on his self-sufficient farm on oahu and installs solar panels when he’s not rushing The Bay, Mav’s, Cloudbreak, etc. Kohl is a rare practitioner of non-evangelistic eco cred, and we need them, too. Badly. Being eco doesn’t need to be a shrill anti-capitalist lament that the end is nigh, nor a sanctimonious, greenier than thou humblebrag. It can be fun, too. There can be bums in thongs, boobies (not Rita’s) and beer, too.

Lauren L Hill @theseakin

Originally from Florida, now residing in Byron Bay with high priest of surfing environmentalism Dave Rastovich, Lauren’s activism is chiefly themed on marine conservation and gender equality and their interaction with surfing, while her Insty is chiefly themed on though-provoking images and captions, and interesting info. Like using UPS instead of Fed Ex (UPS no longer transports shark) and that her (very legendary) neighbour George Greenough recommends afternoon naps, that the first female American presidential candidate, Victoria Woodhull ran for office in 1872, that are 9 distinct different belly button shapes, or that the ancient Greeks used Feverfew flowers as an anti-inflammatory and to treat menstrual cramps. Good arrows indeed.


在爱尔兰的Moy Hill Farm,Matt Smith帆船,种植有机蔬菜并在克莱尔郡(Clare Clare)周围被管道管的三人组合(以及弗尔加尔·史密斯(Fergal Smith)和米奇·科贝特(Mitch Corbett))的三人组成部分。因此,他的激发揭示了凯尔特人丝丝边缘沿线的最新凹槽,这是一封以豆类为中心的情书,在中纬度的沿海沿着沿海的沿海生活中。Because, sure, we’d all like to hand pick a mango for brekkie, and yah, maybe forage for an avocado for lunch and mindfully spear an ahi for dinner, but if you live near a largely grey, probably windswept, certainly mango/avo/ahi-less coast, you might dig your eco-warrior inspiration in a more familiar hue.


Cyrus Sutton @Cyrus_Sutton

Cyrus Sutton rose to prominence in the surf world via Korduroy TV, at the height of its powers probably surfing’s very best blog-style website, featuring shredding on everything from logs to asymmetricals, irie veg soup recipes, how to make handplanes from old skate decks, fix shit, and all sorts of other wholesome fare. Today, based in Oregan, Cyrus still enthuses on vanlife and logging but his Insty themes are more about permaculture, homesteading and mindful politics. 104 thousand folk are digging Cyrus’s Insty, for a variety of reasons, which can only be a good thing. Come for the campervans, stay for the better tomorrow.

克里斯·德尔·莫罗(Chris del Moro) @chrisdelmorro111

An aesthetically-appealing ‘grammer who digs such fine fare as jazz, jems, art, ornithology, wine, reggae, hot sauce, da chronic, design and the lotus position, Chris del Moro is not only a beautiful man, but also one of the very fine folk who took on an epic sail kayak voyage following whales down the east coast of Oz in 2008 with Surfers 4 Cetaceans (along with Rasta, whose own gram is redundant, hence he’s not on this list). When Chris isn’t painting ‘flash activism’ eco-themed murals, shunning animal agriculture, dropping vintage vinyl reggae sets, protecting marine mammals, surfing, smiling and generally spreading wholesome grooviness, he’s reminding of perhaps the important planet-saving mantra of all; be fucking nice. As revealed in a piece with冲浪杂志克里斯说:“你知道,当我还是个小孩子的时候,我有点胖。”“我是一个好孩子,只是个胖乎乎的孩子。因此,人们对我很刻薄。但这教会了我如何处理那种负能量,而不是成为其中的一部分。”


Easkey Britton @easkeysurf

伊斯基(Easkey)是一名5 X爱尔兰冠军Billabong XXL Big Wave提名人,并获得了海洋科学博士学位,他教女性在伊朗的头巾上冲浪,主持TED会谈,并且很可能拥有最全面的CV冲浪之一。她的Insty特色是她在Eire的祖国西海岸旅行的哲学果实,以及更远的地方,以及来自盎格鲁 - 爱尔兰诗人杰拉德·曼利·霍普金斯(Gerard Manley Hopkins)和戴维·怀特(David Whyte)的精心策划的名言。最近的一张海滩清洁和随附的标题的照片几乎总结了两个句子,以及任何人的句子。“社会和文化与自然分离的观念是我们时代最大的不真实之一。这是我们的文化认同 - 我们的人类行为和消费的标志与我们的海洋和生态系统纠结。”




