

安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser)赢得女子奥林匹克大空气|结果和报告


安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser),你野兽!- 照片:Sam Mellish


今天在阿尔卑斯山体育场(Alpensia Stadium)进行了第一个奥林匹克大型空气闪金,安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser)应对杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson)的巨大压力,要求他在女子大决赛中获得金牌……总而言之:历史性。



如果您在几周前问我们,我们可能会说讲台将由双打组成。However, after the judges rewarded the full-send 900s of Zoi Sadowski Synott, Reiria Iwabuchi and Yuka Fujimoto in the qualis (switch backside, Cab and backside respectively) over half-Cab double backies or Cab double corks that weren’t sent deep – rightly, in our minds – then we were not so sure.


我们更确定的是,现在没有压力 - 这些决赛是安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser)至少在纸上输掉。如果她能够放下我们知道自己在储物柜里的技巧,那么其他女孩可能会为银而战。

与预选赛不同,骑手在这些决赛中获得了三场奔跑,并获得了最佳两次计数的总成绩。为了使事情变得更有趣,这两个最佳得分跑必须在不同的方向上旋转。or Melon grab), then there was nothing we’ve seen from the other ladies to suggest they could top that.



Silje Norendal在大决赛中保守地开始 - 照片:同一Mellish
杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson)早早努力,在女子大决赛中对其他车手施加压力 - 照片:山姆·梅利什(Sam Mellish)




事实证明,大多数情况下,女孩们渴望安顿自己在Piñata的第一次摇摆。Silje Norendal和Tiny Reira Iwabuchi一样,将她的出租车9放下,而Yuka Fujimoto则踩了另一个后卫9 Mute/Indy Combo。16-year old Zoi Sadowski Synnott opened with her monster double backie – again, no real boundary pushing yet – and a couple of girls seemed to feel the pressure and fell, but one rider who didn’t get the run 1 memo was Jamie Anderson. The veteran American went all in from the off, launching a huge front 10 with a Mute grab that was held for an age and that was smoother than the soles of James Brown’s shoes. 90 points was her reward.



Zoi Sadowski Synnott是新西兰人超级时尚的一部分,建立在当之无愧的第三palce-照片:萨姆·梅利什(Sam Mellish)
来自日本的Reira Iwabuchi看起来像是她在空中被激光引导,但这仅是第四次的Goot-照片:Sam Mellish
杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson)感到压力?不 - 照片:山姆·梅利什(Sam Mellish)

第二次奔跑是在事情真正开始弹出的时候,但是随着许多骑手显然进入未知的水域 - 至少就比赛而言 - 很少有奔跑打扫干净。朱莉娅·马里诺(Julia Marino)经过1次超过1辆Overcook,她希望加入出租车双人10号。坡道的银牌得主劳里·布劳因(Laurie Blouin),从她的第一次跳跃中进行了一些调整,再次以超级慢的驾驶室双打9进行了巨大的调整,但再次无法坚持。日本人现在也正在推动自己的极限 - 雷拉(Reira横向穿过天空。

不过,这并不全都在Run 2中进行素描。Zoi, as she’d done in qualification, unleashed a monster of a switch back 9 – camera guy almost lost her in the live shot – to bag 92 points (the second highest individual run score of the day) and a shot at the podium. After Sina Candrian overcooked her first front 10 attempt she got it at the second bite and had something to build on, while Anderson piled more pressure on Gasser by stomping a huge, corked, Cab double 9. 87.25 points, two good scores on the board… how do应付压力,安娜?

安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser

她的回答?返回双10瓜。尽管她持续了很长时间,而且风格扎实,但她当然可以将其更深入 - 落在第一条蓝线附近 - 虽然得分为89分很高,但不足以超越杰米的总分。

我们的宾果卡可以准备“全部。下来。为此。”评论,是时候进行第三次也是最后一局了。By now it was clear that this was a two horse race for gold, and though Jamie had landed the two hits we’d seen her do before, Anna had yet to have a pop at her switch front double 10 that had bagged her 98 points in the qualifiers. We weren’t sure if Anderson had anything left in her locker, but then again, Gasser would need to cleanly stomp her trick once more or the upset would be on.


With the pressure on most girls understandably went for broke, and while a lot weren’t able to put it down there were some who moved up the rankings – Spencer O’Brien getting her back 7 Melon a bit cleaner, Candrian putting down a switch back 9 – and before we knew it it was Anderson’s last shot to improve her score. Gasser was to drop last.

Zoi Sadowski Synnott获得了铜牌,杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson
  1. Anna Gasser - JNS / 89.00 / 96.00 // 185.00
  2. 杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson) - 90.00 / 87.25 / jns // 177.25
  3. Zoi Sadowski-Synnott - 65.50 / 92.00 / jns // 157.50
  4. Reira Iwabuchi - 79.75 / 67.75 / jns // 147.50
  5. 西娜·坎德里安(Sina Candrian) - JNS / 76.25 / 64.00 // 140.25
  6. Silje Norendal - 70.50 / 61.00 / jns // 131.50
  7. Yuka Fujimori - 82.25 / 40.50 / jns // 122.75
  8. Miyabi Onitsuka - 78.75 / jns / 40.25 // 119.00
  9. Spencer O’Brien - 51.25 / jns / 62.00 // 113.25
  10. 朱莉娅·马里诺(Julia Marino) - JNS / 74.50 / 18.75 // 93.25
  11. Jessika Jenson - JNS / 21.50 / 19.00 // 40.50
  12. Laurie Blouin - JNS / 39.25 / DNS // 39.25

我们说我们认为她没有剩下的东西可以退出,但是该死的拳头很好。美国人全力以赴,推出了一个巨大的驾驶室Double 10,但在撞击方面爆炸了。公平竞争,杰米。她把所有的东西都留在那里的山上。再次问问题:如何喜欢压力,安娜?

经过几次“关闭但没有雪茄”的时刻之后 - 有前途的Zoi看到了她的外界机会在勇敢地尝试了10次双打但脱颖而出之后,我们的外界就消失了 - 我们到达了最后的骑手和最后的比赛。加瑟(Gasser)介入,将她的开关前线送给了历史书籍。大,踩踏的干净,经过一番紧张的等待,得到96分的奖励。再加上她的后卫10双打得分,它超越了杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson),这意味着安娜·加瑟(Anna Gasser)这个名字将永远被称为单板滑雪者有史以来第一位奥运会大型空气金牌得主。它首先结束了安娜,杰米(Jamie)和有前途的新兴Zoi(希望将来会在更多的讲台上看到这个猕猴桃)。


1. Anna Gasser - JNS / 89.00 / 96.00 // 185.00
2.杰米·安德森(Jamie Anderson) - 90.00 / 87.25 / jns // 177.25
3. Zoi Sadowski Synnott - 65.50 / 92.00 / jns // 157.50
4. Reira Iwabuchi - 79.75 / 67.75 / jns // 147.50
5. Sina Candrian - JNS / 76.25 / 64.00 // 140.25
6. Silje Norendal - 70.50 / 61.00 / jns // 131.50
7. Yuka Fujimori - 82.25 / 40.50 / jns // 122.75
8. Miyabi Onitsuka - 78.75 / jns / 40.25 // 119.00
9. Spencer O’Brien - 51.25 / jns / 62.00 // 113.25
10.朱莉娅·马里诺(Julia Marino) - JNS / 74.50 / 18.75 // 93.25
11. Jessika Jenson - JNS / 21.50 / 19.00 // 40.50
12. Laurie Blouin - JNS / 39.25 / DNS // 39.25



While many of us will never even get close to attempting a switch triple cork 1440 Octo grab in real life, thanks to the magic of video games, and in particular ‘Steep: Road To The Olympics’, that possibility is much closer than you think.






